01. Entrants must be human beings of 18 years or more. That is all we ask for. We don’t wish to limit artists/entrants/participants based on their income level, disabilities, race, ethnicity, gender or anything else.
02. Movies can be recorded with smartphone or tablet only, a maximum 10% of total duration can be used for drone or action-camera footage. All other production equipment like lights, cranes, dollies, etc. is allowed.
03. Films must be cinematic in nature. Good quality and full 1080p high definition, and look good on a big screen.
Approved formats: mp4 (h264), mov, mkv, wmv, avi.
04. The film may originate from anywhere in the world, no premier status requirement.
05. The entrant can send one or more videos by completing a new registration form for each video, that will be regarded as one separate entry.
06. The minimum duration is 1 minute and the maximum is 60 minutes.
07. Authors can use post-production software for visual or sound effects.
08. The films can be of different kinds.
* for more detailed information about all the nominations check our website
10. All films must have english subtitles.
11. The Mobile Filmmaker’s award ceremony will take place in Moscow, Russia on 14 April 2019. Registration is open by film freeway until 23:59, 15 March 2019.
12. All entries must be unique.
The authors of the videos should be the only holders of the rights of the submitted videos and must not infringe the copyright or other authors’ rights. We cannot accept any third-party music, images and photos or graphics in submitted videos.
Here is some info to research using music in your films to ensure proper licensing. This is not the only resource but a good start., new 2018 copyright law and ascap.
13. Winners in each category will be awarded prizes at the end of the competition.
14. The authors assume full responsibility for the submitted videos.
15. Forwarding expenses incurred are to be paid by the film producers/directors.
16. The authors consent to the use of their films or clips for display.
By submitting the film authors authorize Mobile Filmmaker’s International Fest and its partners to use their full movie or excerpts from it for display, presentation, dissemination and promotion via web, television, in-person presentations and other means.
17. Any invalid registration (incomplete, incorrect, etc.), or one violating public legislation or moral standards, or one validated after the festival’s deadline, will not be considered, and any incorrect or incomplete identity or details will lead to the immediate elimination of the entrant.
18. The festival’s organisers are not responsible for issues not covered by these regulations.